Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

5 in the morning and i crave chocolate...why the hell do i crave for chocolate in the morning? I'm so weird...and i'm bored! What shall i write about todaaay?

Oh yeah, i can't sleep...and in a while i'm gonna have to wake my sister for her classes. Mom's going to work at 7, and dad must go to the bank early for a meeting...that leaves me and baby to sleep, but i'm guessing i'll just get around 2-3 hours of sleep, max! It's my own fault for not sleeping...

Why isn't there anything good on TV anymore? I've been reading Eckhart Tolle's A New Earth...and so far so good. At that moment, you get so engrossed in it, as you contemplate on your own life...and then, reality bites you in the ass and you have to get back to life.

Well, the only good time to read this book is when you're alone with time to spare...right now, now so much! I have many books that i've yet to finish...i'll just save it for the boring UKM days know, the first few days where there's nothing to do yet!

Ok, i've eaten like 7 or 8 chocolate kisses, and i feel like sleeping. I'm guessing the chocolates are making me sleepy? Hahaha, who cares? I'm sleepy now...maybe it's the blog that's making me writing makes me snooze, hahahah! What a shame, i could've put myself to sleep and i didn't know it...

Can you tell me wth i was writing about? Mehh, who cares?

Toodlez, bitches!


Anonymous said...

Haha. Research has shown that we tend to eat when we're bored. I guess you just prove it right?

Neo said...

G,u r goin nuts! :P

Ledzeppelin4evr said...

April: Luckily i'm not an emotional-eater...if not, hahahahah! Go figure!

Neo: Wth? I was nuts ever since...