Saturday, February 20, 2010

Capo Capo Capo!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

*Long post alert!!!*

For the 1-week holiday, I'm spending time with my darling little baby sis...damn, the little tyke is crazy-smart, OMG!!! She's like an old woman in a 2 year-old body! Can you believe, she lectures us on not saying the word "stupid" or "shut up"? Hahaha, yeah...Freudian slip, okay!!! We don't mean to say these words in front of other sis and I have to censor our F-words to the core, it ain't easy I tell ya!!!

Baby's also crazy like me...she can mimic any shows on TV, any songs we hear (or watch on TV), and she now asks us to bathe her when she feels it's time!!! She used to hate taking a bath, but now...she's the one asking us to give her a bath!!! "Can please take Baby and bath???" (excuse the grammatical errors, she's only 2 years old!!!) AND...she knocks on my door in the morning, telling me to wake up and make her some milk!!!

Man, kids these days...they're much too advanced! Makes you wonder...heck, it makes me realize that we humans are evolving before our very eyes. The next generation is gonna be full of super-homosapiens, and i'm not even kidding! Lol...what, with all the TV programs catering to toddlers...I really think these shows help in child development, so I reiterate what i've said dozens of times before...

God bless the inventor of the television! ;P

Oh, about the capo as my title...say it...say "CAPO" many's fun!!! LMAO...

Well, I "borrowed" my dad's capo (and guitar too, hehehe), coz you know...when you look for chords online, they tell you to use a capo (which I don't have!) for certain songs so that you can play with open strings and whatnot...

So when I put it on the fret...BAM!!! The song sounds so much better than without...I dunno, it sounds better...of course, you don't have to use one, but I saw a chance, tried it, and loved it! Too bad, I don't have one...

The strings of my sis' Santa Cruz acoustic is wearing thin, and my dad was supposed to buy some!!! It sound horrible, it's so loose, the sound is fucked-up even after re-tuning...just playing on my dad's Ashton was great...the sound was super sharp, clean and just wow! Damn, he promised he would get me one...waiting to this day...

Oh, well...thank goodness my sister is generous enough to lend me hers...she just isn't into it anymore, I guess. But i'm proud to say that I can now play a few songs by ear. Well, almost...I have this thing where I have to write the chords down or else i'll just friggin' mess the song up...heck, i'm no Jimi Hendrix! *wishes she was Jimi Hendrix...female version!*

I was also supposed to take some piano lessons from my godmother...but I guess dad's too busy and all...I don't know, a musical instrument; it's a stress-relief for never was, but it works for me now. I think it's an escape from the stresses of reality, just like writing is to me.

I always wished to know how to play some sort of, just knowing...even a little bit is a good enough accomplishment for me...and I did it all thanks to the internet...hahahah!