Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Baby Sister's Growing So Fast...

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

My 2-month old sister has given me surprises after surprises! OMG, she's growing so very fast, you have no idea...

I mean, can a 2-month old carry its own head already? I think not! And she was doing this since she was a little more than a month old...AMAZING!

She likes sleeping on her belly, and that's when she'll carry up her little head and look around, like a little turtle...she's so adorable.

I made a huge mistake by volunteering to let Mom and Dad sleep for the first time in a long time...I volunteered to look after little A.J. for the night...Big mistake! She kept me awake for the whole duration, bawling, and screaming the whole time. It's amazing that her whole likeness changes from day time to night time...

It's like Jekyll and Hyde, I tell ya! Around 6 am, the girl finally slept...from 12am-5.59, her so-called 'sleep' would be a mere 5 minutes, and mine would be the same...at 6, she slept like a log, and I fell on the sofa, till Dad woke me around 8am to go sleep on my bed.

The babe's a challenge, dudes! My Mom and Dad understood how it all was. Imagine doing that since she was born! I have a new respect for them, but I wasn't going to back down! I promised, every time I came back from university, it would automatically be my turn to care for the babe. They said they slept well for the first time, and that made me want to do it again even more...

C'mon, you gotta pity your parents, right? I've also earned a new respect from my other younger sis, as she couldn't even take care of the baby for even a few hours...Lol!

Coming back to the uni the other day, I felt so sad...with a heavy heart, I left my home. I hate it when times like these come to get me...I hate leaving my family for life in campus...it's so different, coz they're a part of me...but, I have no choice...sigh!

Days past, and I find myself getting used to scenarios like these...it's getting routine...so it seems normal. I'm happy for this!

My sign in the horoscope is one that loves stability, and hates changes...it is a hardworker, determined and ambitious, loves the good life, materialistic...I guess that sounds like me! I do hate changes, but I find that I adapt to change...and that's a good thing, I guess!

Hope all else goes well for moi! 'Til the next post...

Toodlez, bitches!