Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Through My Window: The Hotspot

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

It seemed like a time where i felt like i wanted to get to bed a little early, since i'm sleepy and all! And okay, around 3 in the morning, i went to my room, only to see a figure of a rat near my window! FUCK!!! My windows are shutters, so there's some space between them when they're closed! And whaddya know, i saw BEN (i named it BEN, after michael Jackson's!) trying to get out, but before i saw it go anywhere, i screamed for my dad! It probably got in through that stupid shutter window of mine...damn!

Dad came to my room, inspected everything and said, "All clear!"...and what the hell? Next thing i know, being in the hall alone, after everyone is asleep, i saw it! I saw him...i saw BEN!!! He was huge...with the longest fucking tail!

OMG, and the sliding door was closed! I couldn't bring myself to open it, as BEN was near the door, looking for an exit i suppose...well, i called my sis on her phone, and told her to seal her room door, but she had to come downstairs to nosey around...and dad came down too! Next thing is, he's telling me i'm seeing things!

Hell what do i know, i thought the bloody rodent was stalking me! Hahahaha, and my dad finally saw it! We tried to chase it out, but it hides too well...we narrowed it down to the's somewhere in there, and yet...with many attempts to take each piece of sofa couldn't be found! And so, everyone got tired, and slept...EXCEPT me!

I didn't sleep in my room coz of that rat...and now i couldn't sleep in the hall coz of that fuckin rat! Wtf, am i missing something here? And the rat is still hiding in that chair...i've kept watch the whole morning...holding the things that's closest to my grasp...a badminton racket and cockroach spray! ROFLMAO! Go figure...i heard it moving around, so i quickly opened the door so it could get out...but, alas! It still hasn't escaped...

Now i'm tired and's freakin' 8 in the morning and i wanna sleep! My sis has gone for classes, and has offered me her bed! Okay! I'll take it, thank God!

So now, i'm off! Wish me luck with my room...must seal my windows!!! Fuck! All the room windows do not use the 'shutters' kind--EXCEPT mine! Hows that for lucky! Plus, my room faces the back side of the house, which is the ugly side! The kind where you can see your back neighbours dirty kitchens...arrrggghhh!!! That's probably where BEN came from!!!

Damn! Okok, i'm stick a fork in me! Arrrggghhhh!!!


Anonymous said...

LOL! That reminded me of the incident where my sister and my dad spending the night chasing away a certain rat. I was away in uni at that time though and I missed all the "fun". Haha.

Here's hoping that Ben will be gone by this time.

Ledzeppelin4evr said...

Well, it's a nightmare really! I saw it...and it looked me in the eyes, ROFLMAO! Damn, it had a huge-ass tail! WTF!!! Arrggghhh!!!

Neo said...

ahahha,well,at least,something is watching over you~ hahahahahhahaha,and jst pray it wont bite u like,coz i've been there n its not pretty! n i killed it! damn rat!

Ledzeppelin4evr said...

Ewwww, u were bitten by a rat? Yuxx!!! Anyway, had to sterilize every single item it might have stepped sheets, the floor...*shudders*...Eeeeeeeewwwww!

Neo said...

ish2,ko dah la 'Alektorophobia',pastuh skang tambah Automysophobia and Bacteriophobia..
ahahahhahahahah... aku da busan,so i look up these names over the net.. bluweekk~

Ledzeppelin4evr said...

Fear of chickens? WTF! Since when?

Fear of being dirty? WTF! Since when?

Fear of bacteria? WTF! Just a little...just coz i wash my hands often doesn't mean i have OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) or something...

To summarize---U suck! Hahahahah!!!

Neo said...

chicken little,chicken run~attack!! hahahhaa..
well,dirty - u want d details? :P
yeah,i noe i a band 3 after all :P ahahahah

Ledzeppelin4evr said...

Ahahaha...otak ko mmg bernas maaa!!! Cerdik!!! Genius!!! Band 3? Ko ada 3 band ke? Hebat...aku satu pun tadak...