Monday, November 23, 2009

Of Golf Balls In Throat & Singing Like A Fool...

Monday, November 23, 2009

Ever had that pre-flu feeling, where at first your throat feels like it has a golf ball stuck inside...then your head starts throbbing, followed by the inevitable cold and cough?

I'm past the head-throbbing and golf balls...but i AM going to be fine right after that...not even gonna think about what follows except that i'm gonna be just fine!

My baby sis has suffered these past few days...damn, yesterday was horrible coz she was sleepless and her chest and airway was so congested...the poor baby was crying everytime she tried to sleep. She cried so much she threw up. I felt so bad everytime she cried, have no idea! Had to carry her for so long till my hand muscles felt sore...hahaha! My mom woke up and tried to put her to sleep, but it was futile...

She finally slept at 6.30 am...brought her to my dad, coz mom had to go to work...and by that time...MY head was throbbing and my! Let's just say it was shivering...

And of course...woke up at 1 something in the afternoon...Baby woke me! then the other sis had done so many chores...yeah...good for me! Hehehe...props to middle child. Sorry i couldn't help, but i just felt like crap the whole day.

Can't seem to get rid of this headache...i usually NEVER take painkillers coz i hate it...1 pill would usually be enough, but this time, it wasn't. And another one didn't help i'll just leave it be! By tomorrow, i'll be so healthy...Popeye would be jealous! (tricking my mind...sorta Jedi mind-tricking myself!)

Boy, i'm so lame...LOL!

Well, baby had a slight fever just now...but i think the fever is down, and she's gonna be ok. I hope she gets some quality sleep...hope I get some too! Wishing all of us a good night's sleep...and we'll all be so fuckin' awesomely fit as a fiddle by the time we wake up! HAH!

For now, it's time for some Spongebob with my baby sis...we sing the intro like all the time...she's soooo easy to influence *evil laugh* that i teach her stupid songs...unusual, weird songs that just have my name written on it! Muahahahaha!!! So far: Werewolf Bar Mitzvah, that Spongebob Pirate Intro, TH's Wo Sind Eure Haende, Vampire by Antsy Pants and many more weird-ass songs...the thing about her is, she's as wacky as me, so i've no problem acting like a fool with her...coz she's a fool like me! :)))))

We shall widen our repertoire soon!

PS: Still listening to songs by TH...OMG, what's wrong with me??? I've never listened to a particular band for this long...seriously! I mean like on a non-stop loop...40-something songs on loop! Hahahah...and guess what? I don't intend to there!

Oh, and here's to good health...

Toodlez, bitches!


Neo said... least she's fine the day i wrote this rite?when will she learn to read so that she knew her siss love her so damn much?? :P

Ledzeppelin4evr said... down with the flu.
PS: She knows i love her...she doesn't have to read it.

Woi ko lama menghilang tba2 comment kat blog org kaw-kaw...gla ke?

Neo said...

LoL,i was thinking that once she grow up lerrr..
hahaha,dol,like i told u,i always read your blog,even tho aku ilang.. hey,im your blog's fan! :) jst wanna read it all,then leave some comments :) like i used too..hihihi

Neo said...

LoL,i was thinking that once she grow up lerrr..
hahaha,dol,like i told u,i always read your blog,even tho aku ilang.. hey,im your blog's fan! :) jst wanna read it all,then leave some comments :) like i used too..hihihi