Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I've only realized it now...my favorite bracelet is broken...NOOOOOOO!!!

In my life, I've never gotten attached to any sort of accessory...except this bracelet...it was translucent and brown, where each large "bead" was octagonal and had embossed yin and yang motifs on each side of every piece of bead...

My little sister broke it!!! Nooooo...seriously, didn't realize it till I was on the way out and put on my watch...I reached for the bracelet and saw that a few bead-pieces were shattered. And now I'm sort of in mourning coz it's the ONE thing that reminds me of the trip...and I've never seen anything like it! And I bought it...for myself. I NEVER buy accessories for myself!!! So this says something about this item, right? Sigh!

Plus the fact that I don't ever wear daily accessories unless it's for something special...this Yin Yang bracelet, I wore every time I went anywhere!!!

So rest in pieces, my dear Yin Yang bracelet...I shall miss our times spent together...we've been through a lot, and you've served me well (even though I was sorta wearing you out and you became looser after every wear)...

You shall now be kept in my "vault of forgotten trinkets"...

PS: I don't even know if this is a tribute or a joke...could it be both?


Anonymous said...

laaaaaaaaa gelang fav dah takde???? ok laa nnti aku belikan bday present k if trjumpa gelang cntik heheh

Ledzeppelin4evr said...

Byk ar ko! Takyah ehhhh...hahaha!

moon and shine said...

la siannyer..ak pnya ada banyak..nanti aku bagi k..haha

Ledzeppelin4evr said...

Sweeeeetnyerrrrr korg! Hahaha...s'ok la...ak kan pkai tu je...