Gucci's Coolest Ad...Ever!!!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Okok, you know how I admire a human being, I love looking at beautiful things such as landscapes, mountains, stars, sea and the sky...all as much as I admire beautiful people...
So I can't help but post this post (does this make sense?) for a cool ad...
...he caught my eye when he acted in this made-for-TV biopic, 'James Dean' and 'Sonny' (watch 'em!!!)...and so when Spider-Man came out and he was the son of Green Goblin, I was totally drooling over him rather than Tobey...LMAO! Also, he just killed me as Saul in Pineapple Express...LMAO! Him and Seth made a great team.
So imagine my awe when this ad for Gucci aired on TV..."Whoah..."

James Franco, coming out of the water in slow-motion, all serious and B& the awesome background music!!! The music, which I find totally epic...made me google it, know me and my curiosity...
I found out it was a cover made by Roisin Murphy...that lady from Moloko, OMG!!! She's so freakin' cool...I totally loved her song, 'Let Me Know' (using a sample of the riff in 'Thriller' by Michael Jackson)...and she covered this song which was originally done by Bryan Ferry called 'Slave To Love'...
So, in essence...awesome male who oozes sex appeal+awesome Nu-Wave song done in a modern way = coolest fragrance ad...ever!!!
Don't even know why I posted something so random...but hey, I've nothing better to do, so why not project my nod for aesthetics seen on TV?
I know, I is skin deep and all...but sometimes, you just gotta appreciate beauty that's right in your face, no? It's not like I'm judging his whole character or anything...just appreciating what God gave him, Lol!
PS: James Franco is taking his PhD in Yale...this just upped his appeal in my, witty AND smart? I hope to God he's not a jackass...Lol!
So I can't help but post this post (does this make sense?) for a cool ad...
...he caught my eye when he acted in this made-for-TV biopic, 'James Dean' and 'Sonny' (watch 'em!!!)...and so when Spider-Man came out and he was the son of Green Goblin, I was totally drooling over him rather than Tobey...LMAO! Also, he just killed me as Saul in Pineapple Express...LMAO! Him and Seth made a great team.
So imagine my awe when this ad for Gucci aired on TV..."Whoah..."

James Franco, coming out of the water in slow-motion, all serious and B& the awesome background music!!! The music, which I find totally epic...made me google it, know me and my curiosity...
I found out it was a cover made by Roisin Murphy...that lady from Moloko, OMG!!! She's so freakin' cool...I totally loved her song, 'Let Me Know' (using a sample of the riff in 'Thriller' by Michael Jackson)...and she covered this song which was originally done by Bryan Ferry called 'Slave To Love'...
So, in essence...awesome male who oozes sex appeal+awesome Nu-Wave song done in a modern way = coolest fragrance ad...ever!!!
Don't even know why I posted something so random...but hey, I've nothing better to do, so why not project my nod for aesthetics seen on TV?
I know, I is skin deep and all...but sometimes, you just gotta appreciate beauty that's right in your face, no? It's not like I'm judging his whole character or anything...just appreciating what God gave him, Lol!
PS: James Franco is taking his PhD in Yale...this just upped his appeal in my, witty AND smart? I hope to God he's not a jackass...Lol!
wei, bongs la ayt terakhir ko..tapi dia memang damn hot gler kan...aku pun perasan dia..tapi xda la google pape..
Hahahah, tapi btul far, most guys we've met that don't even come close to his caliber act like they're entitled to everything; lelaki tak smpai tahap dia pun dh mcm fucker...this is the reason I hope he's a nice guy, not a douchebag...LMAO!
PS: Wtvr it is...he's fckin' eye-candy!!! So njoy...
PPS: Update ur blog pls!!!
happy panting dog all the way!
Hahahaha!!! Yes, I'm like a panting dog whenever the ad airs on TV!!!
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