Monday, March 01, 2010


Monday, March 01, 2010

If any of my posts were broadcast on my Facebook profile...I wouldn't wanna be friends with me! LMAO...thank God this is private! Lol...reading back all my post, especially those from the past (circa 2005), I am amazed at the amount of whining...but then again, this blog IS my outlet right? The only outlet I trust that doesn't pass judgment...

Nonetheless, what a whiner!!! Hahahaha, I am much more in touch with myself nowadays, and i'm happy for it...yes, we all have our complaints now and then (aren't we ALL human?), but i'm okay with the world...i'm okay with myself...and i'll be okay with whatever God brings on my table!

Oh, failed to mention...I love myself more today than I did in 2005...back then, I had too much self-hatred for God knows what reason...guess it was the age where EVERYBODY hated themselves??? Well, go figure...

I'm also glad to state that my family life is so much better. I thank God for this...and for A! She is the glue that brought us closer than before...