After The Movies...
Monday, March 30, 2009
I dunno...maybe i'm just waiting for the dark clouds to wither away to reveal a bright sky! Yes, i know things will get better, but i'm a constant worrier. And only those who read this will know i'm not in a great mood. I would likely mask it with a cheery exterior as i posibbly could.
Other than this freakin' emo post (for the 2nd time!), i absolutely loved Confessions of a Shopaholic. Great casting...Isla Fischer was great and so was Hugh Dancy (damn, did I fall for this dude!)...everytime I see stories like these, I feel that "I WANT THAT FEELING TOO!!!"...especially when he said, "...she's not you"...OMG, if i wasn't sitting, i would've fallen at that line...hahahaha!
Anyway, hope to see other coming attractions, such as 'I Love You, Man'...i love me some Paul Rudd...oh, and also X-Men Origins or something like that...and many more movies!
And so, back to reality...back to assignments...and back to aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!