Thursday, August 23, 2007

Tired...And All That Jazz!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

One thing I could be is patient, I once said...well, i'm tired of it! I'm tired of waiting for the bloody loan to come through...come Friday, i'm writing to a very popular daily about this case...

You couldn't get anymore stupid and inefficient than not settling a complaint after a few working days, right? Indifference I can take when it doesn't involve anyone other than yourself...but when it involves someone else, and if solving a problem is your job...SORRY! No reason for me to cut you any freakin' slack! No siree!!!

That is why...half of me wants to NOT get it, so that I can put the whole agency to shame...gimme a hell yeah!!!

Anyway, other than that unfortunate incident (that boggles me to death!), i'm doin' pretty far, so good! Me reading a lot of scholastic and intellectual books tell me that i'm growing up! Haha...what??? NO WAY...

Well, to tell you the truth, I really think there will always be a kid in me that'll never grow up! Seriously...I can't live without playing pranks on closest friends (yep, my pranks are uber-exclusive! LOL!), chatting and hanging out, laughing like a mad woman, etc...

Our country's independence will be celebrated soon...and some young girls want me to follow them to a certain concert to a certain power center for the countdown...I have classes on the day after the next, but they don't care. In fact, they're forcing me to go (I would actually be considered a chaperone)...Hey, even i'm contemplating, as I haven't ruled it out...YET! Could be fun, right?

What am I listening to now? Roxanne by The friends are pissed at me as I constantly use my MP3 player (which is noise-cancelling), that I never could hear them calling me...I sometimes even pass 'em by without even noticing, as i'm in my own world...LOL! For that, I apologize, but I can't help it...i'm a SOUNDAHOLIC! Sorry...

Another friend even told me the reason i'm single is because I walk looking ahead, and don't even look to the side...and that I may have missed Mr. Right! I said the only scenario I imagine meeting my Mr. Right is if we bump into each other, face-to-face, OR me and him reach out for the same book at the bookstore...SERENDIPITY is what i want when I meet him, Haha!!!

Classes start in half an hour...shit! Gtg, and till the next post...Toodlez, bitches!!!

P.S.: To Ms. W, bring them cookies for our yum cha this Sat ok? Lookin forward to seeing y'all!


NightFox said...

heard from P that the cookies aren't that nice. sue