Thursday, December 27, 2007

I Can't...I'm Not Ready! vs Busting My Ass!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

I truly can't believe my classes start on New Year's Eve!


How could this be? I have to go back, and come home for the countdown? Oh, shizzz...absolute shizz!

Anywayz, how in the world does the time pass so quickly? Just yesterday, I was registering for university, and semester has gone...

Wanna know something? My sister's godfather, some rich hotshot-dude ofered to pay for her higher education...he tells her not to pick a lame college, but a good one. Wow! Plus, he offers to buy her a car!

I'm like, WTF? I'm kinda mad, coz i sorta bust my ass to get a place in a government university, whereas, she barely gets her high school certification results, an she's offered free tuition for a private college, a car, and a guaranteed job at his company...she's also offered her godfather's list of clientelle, if he should retire...all in the same year!

And again, i'm like...WTF?

How fair and just the world this a test for me, that she gets everything on a platter, and i must bust my ass for years?

Hmmmm...makes me wonder!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Oh, No...Hell No!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

I keep getting the message "...memory could not be written..." blablabla. I hate it. I suppose it's the video editing program i'm using. At least that's what i read. It seems plausible. The codec is not really compatible with my OS, i guess. It takes a lot of my time to keep handling this problem. Perhaps i should switch programs or something...aaarrrggghhh!!!!!!!

My results are out...not very good, but not so bad either, considering i didn't really study. I was busy doing my job while having the test!!! So i got a 3.36 GPA, which is not what i wanted, but hey...who asked me not to study? Serves me right!

Anyway, this paves the way to a brand new semester, with brand new subjects! I like...

It's 2.20am, and i can't sleep! I don't know how i'm gonna get up at 7.00am to go to church. Man, i can't keep up this sleep routine, or the hell am i gonna get up for classes once school starts?

What am i listening to? KT Tunstall's Saving My Face...nice!

Okay, gotta go now...

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Walker, Not The Texas Ranger...

Thursday, December 20, 2007

I'm talking about a baby great that baby can already use it...she's just so cute!

Anyway, yesterday, mom took us to her annual xmas party for the embassy staff and their families...suffice it to say, baby took all the attention. She was first sought after for her cuteness, then she was being a diva and cried the whole time (she hates people surrounding her!). So what did my mom do? She had yet to finish what she had to do there.

She was supposed to do some presentation with the rest of the staff, so she gave me permission to drive baby and my other sister home! Whoa, big step on mom's part...for her to let me drive her car from KL to home, lol! She says she trusts my driving skills, it's just her motherly instincts that kicks in when she forbids me...she just doesn't trust the other drivers...

I'll have to admit it, she's right! Though, i'm glad that I managed to do it nicely...some cars or motorcycles just come out of nowhere to scare the bejesus out of me...hell no! If baby wasn't in the car, ...

They are just plain jackasses who are suicidal, and don't give a shit about others.

It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year...NOT!!!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

I must admit, this year, xmas sucks pretty bad! Despite having a new member in the family, our xmas is pretty baking cookies, no xmas shopping, nothing. Why? It's two things; my dad's brother passed away last Dec says, we should mourn for at least a year before we celebrate anything, xmas included. But in my mind, i think, aren't we celebrating the birth of our Lord?

Why deprive ourselves of the joyous birth of Christ? I dunno...the second thing is finances. This year has been pretty bad on all of us, financially. My dad is gonna take a drastic measure, and sell his music school. He has lost the passion of running his music school beacuse his so-called partners, ain't doin' a thing on their part... they're doing zip! My poor dad has been running about town since it opened few years back, and now, after countless times of trying to salvage his business, he's finally opted to close the school in hopes of a new project...i hope he makes it, coz he sure needs to get a break from all his tiresome stuff! May God be with him...

Another thing, i seriously would say, even before the date approaches, that xmas would suck big time this year, but then again, our luck could changed a whole lot when we found out mom was pregnant, didn't it? I hope to find out more pleasant surprises soon. Thank God for babies...

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Full-time Babysitter...For Real!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

So far, i haven't been able to do a single subtitling project...i'm so busy with taking care of my baby sister, since the nanny decided to go back to her homeland. So now, while waiting for another future maid to come along (someone we know from the Phils.), i'm taking care of her!

Great, i love my sister to death! She's such a naughty one, this girl...i think she'll turn out crazy like me...hahaha! She's teething now, so it's quite a tough period now...with xmas around the corner, i'm on a pretty hectic schedule.

Well, c'est la vie...i'm 20, so i should be so lucky that i can practice taking care of my sister to apply it to my future babes i'll have next time (in like a few decades!!!!!)

Am going out this Saturday...haven't been out for a while now...always being at home has made me fearful of the world we live in...rape, torture, bitchfests, gossip...the world is getting ugly! I don't want an ugly world for my sister, my future children, and future generations. But what could someone like me do?

The only way you could say something remotely inflential is if you had loads of money+power, or if you are a celebrity. Mediocre, young'uns like me can only hope to attain certain status just to be heard, just to pull people to do something good. But, i'm still a student, in a humble (or maybe even below-par) university.

I know I can make it somehow, but i'm afraid that power or money would change me, as it always does to people.

Maybe i'm making too much out of nothing? Yes...maybe!

Sunday, December 02, 2007

I Heart TWIX, and I Got Stuck!!!

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Don't get me wrong, it's not something nasty, if you know what i mean... i mean the candy bar, Twix! Okay, so i've loved it for a long time now, but i've never professed it! Lol!

In real news, i chopped my long hair off, for a shorter, layered, with the old highlights, i think i look younger...but one thing i hate is the cut is sorta Cameron D., which i'm not into, but i guess i'll grow into it! It's been straightened too! Sigh, the lengths women go through...(no pun intended!)

Oh, but you don't know the interesting part...first off; it was a friday, and every friday, this particular night market opens through the whole neighborhood...Flashback to early in the day; i parked my car (mom's car) in that spot, not realizing anything, as it was still early.

5 hours on, i still didn't realize...till i went to get the car, and i was blocked and surrounded by the night market stalls...Luckily, my friend was there, as my sister took the liberty of riding in her boyfriend's car! What is a girl to do? What else, but have a panic attack!!!

Finally, seeing my whole traumatized face, a kind DVD peddler, who happened to be blocking my car took pity, and went all the way to the end to tell them to move their stalls to the side so my car could get through...

As i shifted my car slowly, i was so relieved that, although they were pissed, they were kind enough to take pity this idiot, who made a simple mistake...i'm so lucky i'm a good driver, and deftly took the car through this 'tunnel of shame' without damage...

After proclaiming "Holy Jesus Christ!" around a thousand times, i managed to get outta there, thanking everyone with my wound-down window screen while apologizing. My friend was totally shut down, flabbergasted, wondering how i could manage to get the car through the small never in a million years could she manage that...

I proclaimed that i was a good driver, but i didn't have a good brain in my head (sometimes, in cases like this!)

So, after getting out, i thanked the people, and thanked the LORD!!! Phew!!! I swore that i'd never tell mom and dad what happened. My sis and her bf were supposed to help, but, guess we didn't need any! The secret's safe with them!

Thank you, Jesus!!!!!!!!!!
